Thursday, September 20, 2012

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re. perhaps bumpy ship to the gunner lose accuracy, several mortar shells and fall into the the Qing crowd, but in them before and after the explosion, and behind the cloud of dust billowing smoke spread around, and the shore of the river by an explosion set off the sky turbid waves.
Had no confidence in the Qing soldiers see the enemy fire is so fierce, refused to take the officer thundered to stop, turned ass Kudiehanniang scurrying,half jacket oakley, several officers see can not let the soldiers their lives, coupled with timidity but also in the rival Wal-Mart, in some Invalid block soldiers quietly bugger.
Ships traveling in the first stop on the shore, and dragged behind the boat untied the rope, scrambling to move closer toward the shore, and soon vessels rely on the North Shore, the soldiers on board vessels coming to a complete stop, jumped into the river and some biting shouted slogans onto the north shore, kill away towards the enemy fled in disorder.
The Jinxin springboard onto the north shore, and his soldiers behind him transcend the past, those barriers will be erected to intercept the shore of the Qing landing clearance, along both sides to expand the beachhead.
The Jinxin Hui Touchong and communication Staff Road around:
The door was suddenly forced open, flushed Fan Jianhui held up a stack of telegrams, rushed in from the outside.
Fan Jianhui will open the telegram trembling slightly, holding the hand of the telegraph, and loudly: The PLA has already had a brigade, two regiments of mounted North Shore,mens nike air max 95, th

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