Monday, October 22, 2012

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hurch attack and then listen to my instructions. The door slowly closed, no snow palace once again picked up Zhuobu Fan letterhead careful reading while watching the side began to plan the three sub Church after the capture of Charlie Hall's plan. most of the site, hope you really be able to do so assassinate Lei days of moving. The famous mine heaven actually killed by the nfl news soon came in the lakes at the same time, Zhuobu Fan appeared dead, Bangzhu Zhuobu Fan Shendao door was stabbed to death rumors proved unfounded,air jordan concords.
In the rivers and lakes are still immersed in the news in the days of thunder moving killed, Nu Jiaobang master took advantage of the chaos and destroyed the fire of Charlie Hall Treasures and thunderous three sub Church, while Zhuobu Fan is a secret to let God knife gate has been hidden master attack Charlie Hall Church,oakley antix sunglasses, faithful to the thunder of heaven men killed.
Has not the human arena react, Shen Dao door Zhuobu Fan unexpected led Shendao door expert help in a chaos Charlie Hall to deal with by a fire, robbery Nujiao Bang.
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Verbal abuse, such people only use I to describe.
Gabriel Ma Wan said: At that moment the sun broke into, said: Gabriel replied loudly: let him decide. The spiritual power of the sun can be like witnessed to see the words and deeds of Gabriel, Gabriel, then sunshine landed on the sea, and said: go, but will never force you to join my camp, I just do not want you to bear the humiliation should not be here, you have? Michael is silent for a moment and said: Sunshine serious nodded, Michael heaved a sigh and said: Sun faint smile the spiritual force bundled Michaelmas iron chains wherever he went silent crushed, then peg the nails of his hands and feet, and in the free time, Michael shouts loudly launched into the sky, which the torture of the time so for Fire Angel, Michael living death, no more brutal way than with seawater irrigation.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

In the country

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I saw on one hundred fishing boats have been destroyed part of it, floating on the sea is full of broken wood and struggling to survive, found that our military ships, the Japanese patrol boat actually towards them open a few guns before desperate to escape.
'Pop! '37 Mm double-barreled gun, although not very powerful, but for a small patrol boat that was deadly, artillery explosion in the patrol boat, boat blown bastard Xuerouhengfei small patrol boats desperately fleeing desperately to dodge, although they are provocative task to perform, but never thought of the Chinese people will fire, after they were born even heard of Chinese naval vessels to open too far.
Just a blink of an eye, that the three Japanese patrol boats in the intensive shelling turned into pieces, the hull sank, some Japanese are struggling, the results are also indiscriminate artillery killed, and even a dead bodies no.
Around the fishermen cheered up, there is nothing more than to see the bully own wounded compatriots Japs were killed even more happy about it?
Frigate launched an emergency rescue of the downed on the rescue of the injured fishermen, boats, and then led the mighty fishing fleet Wu Xianghai
?Hong Kong drove.
In the country, to continue the process of convening the executive meeting of the interruption of other i

Friday, October 12, 2012

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

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Monday, October 1, 2012

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